Dentures – Pensacola, FL 

Fill All of Your Smile’s Empty Spaces at Once 

Needless to say, missing several or all of your teeth can take a huge bite out of your day-to-day quality of life. Things you may have previously taken for granted, like chewing and smiling, become frustratingly difficult or impossible. Luckily, our team at Patriot Dental offers several tooth replacement methods, and dentures are by far the most tried-and-true option. No matter how many teeth you’re missing, dentures in Pensacola, FL can fill all of your smile’s empty spaces at once. Call our practice today to learn more! 

senior man and woman smiling with dentures in Pensacola

Why Choose Patriot Dental for Dentures?

  • Experienced Team with a Conservative Approach to Dentistry 
  • Flexible Dental Financing Available 
  • Implant Dentures Placed & Restored In-House 

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

senior man at a dentures consultation

If you’re missing any number of teeth, dentures may be the versatile and convenient treatment option you’ve been looking for. While these custom-made prosthetics are designed to effectively restore your bite, you’ll first want to know if you’re eligible for the process. That’s why you’ll need to undergo an initial consultation with our team so we can determine if this treatment is best for you. Until then, here’s what typically makes a good candidate for dentures.  

Effects of Missing Teeth

a man putting his fingers to his lips and thinking

Firstly, it’s important to understand what happens after tooth loss. Whether this occurs due to gum disease, tooth decay, or accidental injury, having gaps in your smile can increase the chance of further tooth loss or even serious issues because of a lack of stimulation in the jawbone. Not only can the bone tissue begin to shrink and weaken, but you can also start having problems with chewing, speaking, facial sagging, and self-esteem. Being able to restore your full smile can help improve both your oral health and overall quality of life.

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

a woman smiling with new dentures

Dentures might be the perfect solution for you if: 

  • You’re tired of dealing with the side effects of tooth loss- These include difficulty speaking and eating as well as a “sunken” look on your face. 
  • Your mouth is free of health issues- Gum disease and other oral health concerns should be addressed before your mouth can support a denture. 
  • You’re faced with extensive tooth loss- If you’re only missing one or two teeth, then another solution may be preferable. 

Of course, if you aren’t currently eligible for the treatment, our team can perform the necessary procedures to get your oral health back on track. This way your mouth will be stronger and ready to wear your custom prosthetics.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

a model of a dental implant bridge

Those who aren’t good candidates for dentures might need to consider other tooth-replacement options that are equally effective. At Patriot Dental, our team can offer these alternative treatments:

  • Dental bridges: Patients who are missing one or a few teeth in a row may be eligible for a dental bridge. This prosthetic involves two dental crowns connected via pontics (artificial teeth), which are supported by abutment teeth on either side of the gap.
  • Dental implants: Instead of using your gum line or nearby healthy teeth for support, dental implants can be embedded directly into your jawbone, functioning as your new tooth roots. With incredible stability and longevity, you can expect to enjoy a more natural-feeling bite with results that can last decades to a lifetime with proper care.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

Types of Dentures 

two full dentures and two partials

When you attend a consultation with our team, then we can learn more about the state of your oral health and your specific goals for your future smile. From there, your dentist in Pensacola will recommend the type of denture that would best meet your needs. 

Partial Dentures 

Like the last piece of a puzzle, a partial denture seamlessly completes your smile. It consists of a gum-colored base and a metal framework that contains artificial teeth in precisely the places where your natural teeth used to be. This framework is attached behind your remaining teeth, making it practically impossible for others to notice that you’d lost any teeth at all. 

Full Dentures 

A full denture brings back all of the teeth on either the upper or lower arch. Its pink acrylic base stays in place due to a natural suction force against the gums, but a small amount of adhesive can give it extra security. 

Implant Dentures 

When a full or partial denture is anchored onto dental implants, it becomes exponentially stabler and more reliable. Dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots that are placed in the jawbone, and they allow your replacement teeth to feel more natural and remain in place more easily. Not only that, but implant dentures can last for decades longer than their traditional counterparts. 

The Benefits of Dentures

Hand holding a glass of water with dentures

If you have multiple missing teeth, you probably know exactly how it can impact many different aspects of your life. Without them in place, it’s harder to eat and speak like you used to. Plus, it can also leave you feeling self-conscious about your incomplete smile. Fortunately, dentures allow you to form words more easily and properly chew your food while simultaneously boosting your appearance. That’s not all they do, though! Continue reading below to learn more about some of the additional benefits they provide.

Psychological Benefits

Man with dentures holding hand to chin smiling

When you lose a part of yourself, teeth included, you’re bound to feel the impact. You don’t look the way you used to, which can be difficult to accept. It’s not uncommon to feel sad or depressed about this change, which can cause a lack of desire to engage with others. With dentures in place, you’ll regain your sense of self and reduce your anxiety about how people perceive you. Then, you’ll be much more likely to resume your usual social activities.

Clearer Enunciation

Set of dentures on a reflective black background

Some sounds and words can only be created by touching your tongue to your teeth in a specific way. You’re not able to speak as easily and could develop a lisp after tooth loss, or might even try to avoid speaking altogether. Dentures are essentially restorations that allow you to regain your ability to enunciate so you can converse more clearly. You can expect a brief period of adjustment to learn to speak around them (usually around one month), but it won’t take long for it to become second nature.

Improves Nutrition

Woman with blond hair and dentures smiling

When you lose your teeth, your ability to chew goes with them. Our pearly whites are responsible for mashing up food into smaller, digestible pieces. Without them, you’re more likely to develop gastrointestinal issues like indigestion or malnutrition because you’re not breaking down food properly. Dentures restore your ability to chew so that you can once again enjoy a full menu of wholesome foods. As a result, your body gets all the nutrients it needs to function at its best.

Preserves Oral Health

Man with blue glasses sitting outside at a table with lemons

Having dentures can enhance your oral well-being, too. If you still have natural teeth remaining, they’re likely to shift out of place to fill any gaps. Not only that but they’ll be put under additional pressure whenever you bite down or chew. This can cause them to prematurely wear down or break. Wearing dentures keeps your natural pearly whites in their rightful place, and evenly distributes the force of your bite. This prevents injuries that can lead to complex and costly repairs down the road. As an added benefit, they support your gums and jaw which helps prevent facial collapse after tooth loss.

Expands Opportunities

Couple with dentures outside hugging and smiling

One of the first things others notice about us is the quality of our smile, meaning it’s an essential aspect of making a great first impression. Those without visible dental problems are more likely to be successful at work, school, and social engagements. Fortunately, dentures rebuild your grin so that you’ll look and feel your best for any upcoming opportunities. You’ll have a positive impact at your job interview, presentation, or first date when you can communicate clearly and exude self-confidence.

How Dentures are Made

No two dentures are exactly the same; each one is carefully personalized so that it fits correctly and allows the patient to show off their new teeth with confidence. What is the process of making dentures like? You can find out for yourself by reading the information below. And of course, if there’s anything else you want to know about the steps of denture creation, you’re more than welcome to ask our team when you visit our office.

What are Dentures Made Of?

You’ll naturally want the artificial teeth attached to your dentures to resemble your real teeth as closely as possible. To that end, you can typically expect the replacement teeth to be made out of porcelain. Not only can porcelain be shaded to match the color of your enamel, but it also mimics the way that real teeth reflect light. And of course, porcelain comes with the benefit of being able to last a long time in the mouth.

But what about the base of the dentures? There are multiple options to choose from, but the most popular one is acrylic, which can blend right in with your gums. Some dentures use nylon bases instead.

The Denture Creation Process

Here are the steps that need to be taken to create your one-of-a-kind dentures:

  • The process begins when you pay our office a visit. We will capture the necessary impressions of your gums. Then we will create a model that helps us determine the right shape and size for your dentures.
  • A dental laboratory will take the model we made and use it to make a wax replica of your gum line. The artificial teeth will be carefully placed in the wax before any necessary adjustments are made.
  • Once we’ve received the wax version of your dentures, we will call you back to our office. We’ll make sure that the dentures fit correctly before we return them to the lab.
  • The next step is to get rid of the wax so that it can be replaced with the material that will make up the base of the final denture. To do so, the wax denture will be placed in a flask, and plaster will be added. The flask will be immersed in hot water, which will cause the wax to melt while the plaster helps the denture maintain its proper shape.
  • Acrylic will be carefully injected so that it can take the place of the wax. At this point, the plaster will be removed. (This may involve the use of an ultrasonic bath.) Any unneeded acrylic will be trimmed away, and the prosthesis will be gently polished.
  • The completed dentures will be sent to our office. We’ll schedule one last appointment with you so that the final fitting can be performed.

Adjusting to Your New Dentures

Even though your dentures will be made with your unique mouth in mind, it will take a while for you to get used to wearing them. By only eating soft foods and performing certain exercises for your facial muscles, you can speed up the adjustment period.

Denture FAQs

patient talking to dentist about dentures in Pensacola

Missing teeth can affect more than just your appearance – it can impact your overall quality of life as well. Luckily, dentures can allow you to enjoy a complete and fully functioning smile once again. At Patriot Dental, we want to be as helpful as possible throughout the process of rebuilding your grin. That’s why we’ve decided to answer some frequently asked questions below. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, feel free to contact our office for personal assistance!

How Long Will You Have to Wait to Get Dentures After Your Teeth Are Pulled?

On average, patients are expected to wait between six to eight weeks after having their teeth pulled to get dentures in Pensacola. While two months may seem like a long time, it’s necessary to allow the gums a chance to heal properly. Also, the exact amount of time you need to wait varies based on the type of denture in question. For example, immediate dentures can be placed on the same day as an extraction. However, you may need a replacement sooner than anticipated because the shape of the underlying bone and gums will change as the mouth heals. If you’re getting implant dentures, you’ll have to wait about four to six months for the titanium post to fuse with the jawbone via osseointegration.

Can I Sleep with My Dentures?

When you first get your dentures, you’ll be asked to keep them in your mouth for 24 hours, including sleep. After that initial period, it’s strongly recommended that you remove them every night before bed. That’s mainly because wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, leading to soft tissue irritation and speeding up ridge resorption. By taking them out every evening, you give your gums a chance to recover and get the nutrients they need while you sleep. Also, poor oral hygiene and an increased risk of pneumonia are associated with wearing your dentures for too long.

Will It Hurt to Get Dentures?

Patients who need to undergo oral surgery before getting dentures in Pensacola will likely experience some discomfort following their procedure. Luckily, it’s easily manageable with prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication. Once you get your new dentures, you may experience mild discomfort while your mouth adjusts to the prosthetics. It can take anywhere from several weeks to a few months for the discomfort to fade. If the pain is persistent or worsening, you may need to have your dentures refitted. There could also be an underlying oral health issue that needs to be addressed.

Is It Hard to Talk with Dentures?

Initially, you may have difficulty speaking with dentures because you’re so used to talking with your natural teeth. However, the more you practice with your new smile, the quicker you’ll adjust to it. It’s incredibly normal to develop a lisp or speech impediment, but it should go away once you learn to correct those changes. You can speed up the adjustment process by reading aloud, having more conversations with loved ones, and repeating difficult-to-pronounce words. Denture adhesive can also help if your teeth need additional stability.